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Meet Elaine
Energy Healer | Educator | Intuitive | Author | Artist | Media Host
I’m Elaine Grohman and I would like to tell you a little bit about myself - but first I want you to know that you and I are more alike than you might realize.
​Just like you I have experienced sorrow, questions, pain and joy, and I’ve learned that experiences are invitations to discover more about our Selves and this Life that we are privileged to Live.
​Over two decades ago I began a journey of Self-discovery.
I have been at births and deaths. I have taught people in medicine about what healing really means. I have worked with the terminally ill and those with Life changing challenges, and that has helped me to understand that our own actions and beliefs prevent us from living happier, healthier lives. Energy Healing, also called Energy Medicine, helps us actively learn
how to enhance our own capabilities so that we can appreciate our Lives more fully.
​We all want happiness - yet we do not always recognize how to be happy. We all want Love - yet we do not comprehend the enormity of what Love offers. We want things to go well in our lives, yet our thinking, emotions and repeated actions blind us, and our understanding becomes limited and sometimes unhealthy. People are seeking ways to re-connect to Life in palpable ways so that new perspectives can unfold for us.

It is a privilege to help others learn more about who they really are.​ As you explore my website, I invite you to discover ways that you can learn to re-connect with Life - Spirit. Body. Emotions and Mind.
As an Energy Healer and Intuitive, I offer private, in-person, phone and video sessions. Both small and large group readings expand our understand of our own Human capability and the depth of our Senses.
As an educator, I offer on-demand videos as well as in-person workshops so that you too can explore Energy Medicine and the importance of knowing your Self.
As an artist, I share inspirational posts, writings, calligraphy, artwork and products that gently remind you just how amazing this journey called Life really is.
As a radio host and television guest I have been blessed to speak with amazing Human Beings who are working to make our world a better place.
I hope you will join me on this journey…
As a public speaker, I enjoy the opportunity to share the work that I do, as well as to help others learn how to bring a greater sense of appreciation into their consciousness so that unnecessary challenges can be corrected. As our Energy is heightened collectively, we gain a greater sense of balance and collaboration, since we are truly on this journey together.
I have been a guest lecturer at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, at Madonna University to both hospice and nursing students and at Lawrence Technological University’s Nursing Program. I have presented at Integrative conferences at the University of Michigan Medical School and with the HuMed Program at Wayne State University. I have spoken with the Michigan Holistic Nurses Association and many others interested in learning more about Energy Medicine.
Elaine Grohman Grasses - credit Laurie Tennent Photography
As a Speaker

Understanding Human Energy
Understanding the human ENERGY system
Our Body is an electro-magnetic wonder! It has its own intelligence which works to maintain our existence without one thought from ourselves. But like any intelligence, information is required. Energy is the electrical impulse that carries information and moves throughout our entire Body – making it possible to think, to create a cell, to digest our food … every part of our Body requires an electrical impulse so that every cell can receive its signal.
Every single neurological impulse provides information to our Body. Without Energy we could not exist. Without sufficient Energy we become unhealthy. Our Body could not function. Our Emotions would be unstable, and our Mind could not make decisions that promote and enhance Life.
We Live on a Living generator – Earth, which provides the Energy required for all of Life on this Planet.
I help others understand how to reconnect and then maintain and enhance the Energy supply by connecting to the Living Earth.
How Energy Affects You
How ENERGY Affects You –
Spirit. Body. Emotions and Mind.
You and I are Spirit. We are Spirit before we are born. We are Spirit while we Live, and we return to Spirit when we die. In order to learn, grow and contribute, Spirit requires a Body so that physical existence can occur. This is Life.
Imagine your Body as a sophisticated machine capable of growth, learning, movement, sensory perception and a million other things. From conception until death, your Body grows and changes, following set patterns of information that creates a Human Being, complete with all that is needed to interact with Life.
From Birth, Human Beings experience a kaleidoscope of Emotions, which I refer to as Energy in Motion, these are signals perceived by our senses that help us to determine whether people, events and circumstances are good or not so good for us. IF we understand and follow the information provided to us by our Emotions, then we can make informed decisions based upon the sensory input we receive. The big challenge is that most of us have no idea what our Emotions are telling us, and we can easily become victims of our own unexamined Emotions. Every one of our Emotions provides a “Choice Point,” the opportunity to decide what we will do in relation to what our Emotions are telling us.
IF we understand the information our Emotions are offering, then we can engage our Mind – the wonderful gift given to Humanity which allows us to examine, contemplate and decide what we will be. Your Mind is not your brain, but rather is a function of your capacity to Learn and contribute to Life.
Energy Healing/Energy Medicine is a way by which we can learn to maintain the required amount of Energy needed to animate the entirety of our capacity. If we do not have sufficient Energy, our Body, Emotions and Mind will not be able to function optimally, and disease, depression, stress, trauma are the likely outcome.
Since 2002, I have been teaching others including medical and nursing students, physicians, nurses, clients and countless individuals how to connect, help, heal and maintain the health of their Body, Emotions and Mind. It is an innately Human ability and can be learned by anyone interested.
Every single neurological impulse provides information to our Body. Without Energy we could not exist. Without sufficient Energy we become unhealthy. Our Body could not function. Our Emotions would be unstable, and our Mind could not make decisions that promote and enhance Life.
We Live on a Living generator – Earth, which provides the Energy required for all of Life on this Planet.
I help others understand how to reconnect and then maintain and enhance the Energy supply by connecting to the Living Earth.
Energy Medicine
What is ENERGY medicine?
Energy Healing and Energy Medicine are two interchangeable concepts. Many other words have the same meaning, such as chi, qi, prana, and ki – they simply originate in other languages around the world. Energy is Energy – and the source of Energy is the Living Earth, but it is how you move it and interact with it that makes all the difference.
I have said many times that it is ridiculously simple to do, but extremely complex in
its action. With sufficient Energy, stress can be managed, illness corrected, wounds can
heal faster, and pain can be reduced. The Body uses Energy to correct challenges it
encounters, and does so silently the entire Lifetime, but insufficient Energy makes
it impossible to run the system. That is where a Healer comes in.
When possible, I attempt to use analogies to illustrate what I am sharing. For example,
you cannot jump a dead car battery with another dead car battery. You need to have a
fully charged battery in order to jumpstart one that won’t start the engine. But, you need
a mechanism of movement – a jumper cable – which allows the movement of Energy
from one place to another, thereby transferring the needed charge so that the engine will start.
Since 2002 I have developed and taught many classes that introduce you to Energy as well as providing more advanced techniques
to help the Body assimilate the Energy more rapidly.

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